Brian + Amy: Wedding in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
One of our favorite things about wedding photography is quite simply the love stories we get to hear leading up to the big day. To hear brides-to-be and grooms-to-be detailing how they met, when they first knew, where the proposal took place, and to watch their excitement as they relive those memories of falling in love. And so when we received an inquiry for a wedding a few months ago from a couple from Seattle, I quickly scanned it looking for the beginning of their story. This is how it started:
"Our love story is simple, and true..."
The email went on, but those words stuck out to me, a quietly beautiful introduction to the love story of Brian and Amy. And when their wedding day finally arrived it really was simply, and truly, a wonderful occasion.
The couple got married at Amy's childhood home just outside of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a sprawling farm built in the 1800s set amidst rolling green hills and scattered stone buildings. Even when the rain began to fall, friends and family rolled back the doors of the big barn adjoining the property, swept the floors, threw down some hay and continued on, undeterred. There was no amount of weather that could keep it from being a beautiful day, and the images below are a glimpse of that simple and true love story that Brian and Amy are living.